Friday, May 11, 2018

Interviews 4/30-5/4

As my time at Waterfall is nearing the end, I've been trying to get artist interviews finalized and ready to be posted in the blog. I got to meet with another of the artists in person, Gianne, and I was also assigned another artist to try and interview, Tom Ventura. I haven't heard back much from other artists, though Mary Faith is really excited to meet me in person if we can ever find a good time! I also was upset that for the Bread & Puppet event last Friday I was too sick to go out and attend, so I not only lost a good opportunity for hours, I lost an opportunity to interact with community members and see how much this event is enjoyed by so many. Though I missed out on this, I've been sitting in the gallery mostly, and that's a good time to get to talk to people that come in to look at the art.

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